How to read and understand the Bible

Praise the Lord

How should we read the Bible?

1 – Read the Bible when there is peace environment in your house, if it is not, then change your place (in a garden or anywhere and where you feel good)

2 – Pray before reading the word, you cannot understand the word yourself, it is the work of the Holy Spirit, it is the Holy Spirit that reveals the true meaning of the Word to you.

3 – Whenever you read the word, keep a note book with you, write whatever the Lord teaches you, it has many benefits, we forget many things, in this way you will remember the word of God.

4 – Tick something that you do not understand, pray for it, God will explain it to you through his servant or any other way

5 – The main thing is do not read Bible for telling others, but read it for yourself, many people are studying just to tell others, in this way they become hypocrites.

6 – At the time when you are reading the Bible, keep your phone away from yourself or keep it switched off, otherwise your attention will be in your phone and you will not be able to learn anything …

7 – First of all, you have to read the New Testament properly 2 times and then you have to read the Old Testament.

Now what I want to explain to you is more important than everything else

This is an example: Whenever you read the word, then you must see what kind of life people were living, when David was walking on his roof, he saw a woman and he got wrong thoughts in his mind for her and after that he was caught in sin, you can learn from here that David could not control his eyes (2 Samuel 11). We also see many times some things that we should not see and commit sin, do not read Bible just to gather knowledge but to improve ourselves, the Word of God was written to change our lives…Jesus’ life is our light (by looking at his life we ​​get light on ourselves about how to live our life).

Jeremiah 33: 3
Pray to me and I will listen to you and tell you big and difficult things which you do not understand now.

God bless you

Suraj Premani
Jesus Is Life Church, Mumbai

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